JUNE 18–22, 2017

Dr. Mahdi Bohlouli

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Koblenz

Mahdi Bohlouli is currently postdoctoral researcher in the institute for web science and technologies (WeST) at the university of Koblenz. Mahdi has been graduated with the PhD degree (Dr.-Ing.) in computer science from the university of Siegen, Germany. His PhD work was about statistical regeneration and scalable clustering of big data using MapReduce in the Hadoop ecosystem. Since 2010, he has been active in research grants with a great success leading to numerous research projects, specially in applied Big Data and career knowledge management areas. Mahdi was involved in setting-up, management and research activities of the EU projects called ComProFITS (2013-2015), COMALAT (2014-2017), GraDAna (2016-2018) as well as member of setting-up and local project management team of FP7-ITN Eduworks project (2013-2017). Mahdi has supervised over 30 undergraduate and graduate theses and research reports as well as taught over 16 courses up to now. He served a Program Committee (PC) member of over 35 highly qualified conferences such as ISC2017, ADBIS15, EINS15, and ISDT2014. Furthermore, Mahdi has been involved as reviewer in over 15 scholarly and mostly ISI indexed journals such as Pattern Recognition Letters (Elsevier) and Information Processing Letters (Elsevier). More information can be found in www.bohlouli.com

Chair at: Research Paper Session 06 - Applications III
Wednesday, June 21, 2017, 08:30 am - 10:00 am