JUNE 18–22, 2017

Emmanouil Farsarakis

Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre, University of Edinburg

Emmanouil Farsarakis is an Applications Consultant on the Computational Science & Engineering team at EPCC, the University of Edinburgh. He has a background in Physics which he studied at the University of Crete. He moved to Edinburgh to continue his studies with an MSc in High Performance Computing from EPCC after several years of working in science and TEFL education. Since joining the CSE team at EPCC, he has enjoyed working on numerous projects. He is a part of the IPCC team which works on modernising HPC codes for Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. He is also involved in the European project NEXTGenIO, doing innovative research in HPC I/O for Exascale. Last but not least, he is greatly involved in HPC training at EPCC. Emmanouil leads Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry workshops for ARCHER training, he participates in MSc in HPC and HPC with Data Science training and he is also involved in the development of a PRACE Supercomputing MOOC on Futurelearn.

Speaker at: PRACE Training Workshop
Thursday, June 22, 2017, 02:00 pm - 06:00 pm