JUNE 18–22, 2017

Dr. Toni Collis

Applications Consultant in HPC Research & Industry, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre

Toni Collis is the co-founder of Women in HPC (WHPC), and an Applications Consultant in HPC Research and Industry at EPCC, the University of Edinburgh's Supercomputing Centre. Within EPCC Toni provides technical expertise on a range of research projects using HPC in academic software, from engineering to biology and teaches on courses in the EPCC MSc in High Performance Computing. Toni is also part of the team that provides technical assistance to the UK national HPC service (ARCHER) community to help users port and optimise codes on ARCHER, and the provision of training for ARCHER users. For WHPC, Toni is responsible for leading the network, providing strategic guidance on its direction and the events that it runs and leads research into diversity in the HPC community. She has been on the organising committee for a variety of workshops and conferences including SC16, EuroMPI 2016, multiple WHPC events and is on the Executive Committee for SC17 as the conference’s Inclusivity Chair.

Speaker at: BoF 20: Women in HPC: Practical Steps to Diversifying the HPC Workforce
Wednesday, June 21, 2017, 01:45 pm - 02:45 pm
Organizer at: Women in HPC: Diversifying the HPC Community
Thursday, June 22, 2017, 09:00 am - 01:00 pm