JUNE 18–22, 2017

Prof. Dr. Paul Kelly

Professor of Software Technology, Imperial College London

Paul Kelly (http://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/p.kelly) leads Imperial's Software Performance Optimisation research group, and is co-Director of Imperial's Centre for Computational Methods in Science and Engineering. His research contributions span single-address-space operating systems, scalable large shared-memory architectures, compilers (bounds checking and pointer analysis), graph algorithms, performance profiling, and custom floating-point arithmetic. His main current focus is on engaging with applications specialists to develop software tools for multicore architectures, overcoming the limitations of conventional compilers through "active libraries" that exploit properties of a particular application domain to achieve high performance while maintaining a clean, abstract program structure.

Panelist at: Panel: 65 Years of Compiler Development
Monday, June 19, 2017, 05:00 pm - 06:00 pm