JUNE 18–22, 2017

Adrian Jackson

Research Architect, EPCC

Adrian Jackson is a Research Architect at EPCC where he has worked for the past 15 years. He currently leads the Architecture work package for the European funded NEXTGenIO, designing an innovative new hardware and software solution for I/O at the peta- and exa-scale system level. He has worked heavily with end users and code developers in the past to port, optimise, and support large scale parallel applications on HPC services, including the UK National HPC service ARCHER (http://www.archer.ac.uk). He is also jointly responsible for the HPC and software development training programme delivered by EPCC for the ARCHER HPC service, which provides 72 days of training a year for the UK academic computational simulation community. This involves planning the training program, delivering a range of courses (generally 2 or 3 days), and developing new courses. For instance, recently he developed two new courses, one on objected oriented Fortran, and the other on Intel's Xeon Phi.

Presenter at: Tutorial 01: Understanding & Improving I/O Performance on HPC Systems
Sunday, June 18, 2017, 09:00 am - 06:00 pm