

Project Poster
(PP13) An Auto Climate Model continuous Integration Strategy
Event Type
Project Poster
HPC workflows
Scientific Software Development
TimeTuesday, June 26th3:15pm - 3:45pm
LocationBooth N-230
DescriptionIn the Earth Science department at BSC we have developed a strategy to synchronize this running procedure with the lasted releases of the ec-earth model.

Describe the protocol that we implemented to move forward an scheme of continuous integration is the goal of this poster.

To predict climate change, produce a seasonal or decadal weather forecast long simulations are needed. To achieve this simulations we use a numerical weather prediction: EC-earth. It is a couple model: atmosphere + ocean + sea ice.

In the BSC HPC, Marenostrum 4, a simulation up to a month of intensive computing using more than 2K cores. This kind of simulations need a software to help and chunk the task since the maximum time in a regular queue is 24 hs. Also a complete workflow could be more complex since the output of the simulation need to be i.e. post-processed, transfer to an archive, analyzed and plot automatically. We use a workflow manager which is Autosubmit.. The solution that we propose is an auto model:, auto-ecearth, it consists in a software that provides the flexibility and modularity needed, allow run, monitor, re-run one step or all.

Developing new features or only keeping updated the interface in this scenario could be challenging. Furthermore, a new complexity added here is the fact that the ec-earth is developed within a consortium of several institutions and more than 400 developers.
Poster PDF