

Project Poster
(PP24) Intelligent Digital Rock Modeling
Event Type
Project Poster
AI/Machine Learning/Deep Learning
Big Data Analytics
Scientific Software Development
TimeTuesday, June 26th3:15pm - 3:45pm
LocationBooth N-230
DescriptionThe context of the project is mathematical, computational and cognitive challenges in the Digital Rock Modeling (DRM). DRM implies using virtual or reconstructed digitized pore space and mineral matrix of natural rock to numerical simulating various physical processes in this digital object to obtain such macroscopic rock properties as permeability and porosity, to analyze reservoir characterization. The project is focused on following key issues: Efficient digital rock models and methods for extraction of rocks macroscopic properties from it; Natural language proceedings to extract data from geophysical survey reports; Image processing and associative reconstruction; Machine learning for model tuning; Open rock modeling infrastructure; High-Performance computing in modeling, simulation, visualization and data analysis.
The focus of the project is well-aligned with trends in Digital Rock Analysis and e-Core technology, that promise to address challenges of integration of intelligent data analysis into digital rock modeling to accurately and efficiently predict oil and gas reservoir characteristics using high-performance computing technology.
Poster PDF