

Volodymyr Kushnarenko
Volodymyr Kushnarenko studied system programming at Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU, Donetsk, Ukraine) and got degree “Master of Science in Computer Engineering” in 2012. He is an active participant of the European programs for researcher (DAAD Leonard Euler and PRO3 programs), in which he cooperates with the University of Stuttgart (Germany) and Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems (Magdeburg, Germany). In 2014 he started to work at Ulm University (Germany) as an employee. Since 2016 he is a researcher at the Institute of Information Resource Management (IOMI, Ulm University, Germany).
The main focus of his work at Ulm University is configuration and optimization of large scale systems, improving of their programmability and usability. The research has a focus on the area of high performance computing, parallel numeric methods, modelling and simulation.