

Oscar received a Phd in Computer Science from the University of Houston. He is a staff member of the Computer Science Research (CSR) Group, which supports the Programming Environment and Tools for the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF). He has experience in creating and driving many de-facto standards such as OpenACC, OpenSHMEM, UCX and participates in the OpenMP community. At ORNL he works closely with application teams including the CAAR and INCITE efforts and constantly interacts with them to address their programming model and tools needs via HPC software ecosystems. He is currently working on the programming environment for Summit and works very closely with the vendors on their plans for next-generation programming models. He has worked on many projects funded by DOE, DoD, NSF, and Industrial Partners in the Oil & Gas industry.
Clouds and Distributed Computing
Exascale Systems
Performance Analysis and Optimization
Performance Tools
System Software & Runtime Systems
Birds of a Feather
Computer Architecture
Extreme-Scale Computing
Programming Models & Languages
System Software & Runtime Systems