

Kelvin Li
Kelvin Li has 15+ year of experience in developing Fortran, C and C++ compilers in the IBM Canada Lab. He led the effort of porting the XL Fortran compiler for the CELL processors and developed Fortran 2008 and C11 features in the XL compilers. His current work focuses on implementing OpenMP features in both the XL and the open source LLVM/Clang compilers.

Kelvin is the IBM rep in the OpenMP language committee and the OpenMP Architecture Review Board for more than 10 years. In addition to participating various subcommittees to develop different features, he chairs the Fortran subcommittee to develop OpenMP support for new features in the Fortran 2003 standard. In the C/C++ and Memory Model subcommittee, he also leads the effort of developing OpenMP support for C11 and C++14 features.
HPC Accelerators
Heterogeneous Systems
Performance Analysis and Optimization
Programming Models & Languages
System Software & Runtime Systems