

Roxana Rusitoru
Roxana Rusitoru is a Staff Research Engineer in Arm’s Research division, working in Software and Large Scale Systems. She joined Arm in 2012 and has worked on Linux kernel optimizations aimed at HPC and sensitivity studies aimed to showcase Arm AArch64 microprocessor characteristics suitable for HPC. Most recently, she has been working on power-aware scheduling at OS level for heterogeneous cores and methodologies to identify representative sub-sections from multi-threaded applications. Some of her research interests are software performance optimization and next-gen heterogeneous architectures. Roxana has been a part of the Mont-Blanc 1 and 2 projects, and is now leading the Software ecosystem in Mont-Blanc 3, in addition to technical contributions.
Clouds and Distributed Computing
Exascale Systems
Performance Analysis and Optimization
Performance Tools
System Software & Runtime Systems