

Sebastien Rumley
Sébastien Rumley is Research Scientist in the Lightwave Research Laboratory, Columbia University, New York, since 2014. Prior joining Columbia in 2012, he was at EPFL where he got his M.S and Ph.D degrees in communication systems. His research focuses on multilayer, cross-scale modeling and optimization of large scale interconnection networks. This includes analysis of nanophotonic devices and the integration thereof in next generation computing systems, network topology design and dimensioning, characterization of data-movement requirements and end-to-end evaluation of interconnect power consumption. He is also interested in novel, post-Moore’s Law computer architectures relying on photonic connectivity. Dr. Rumley is co-author of over 70 publications in the fields of optical interconnects and optical networks. He has served or is serving as Program Committee Member for the SuperComputing, ISC-HPC and NETWORKS conferences, as well as for various workshops (HiPINEB, Exacomm, HUCAA, AISTECS, OPTICS, HCPM, IA3). He is a co-recipient of the best-student paper award of the 2016 SuperComputing edition.
Computer Architecture
Exascale Systems
Neuromorphic Systems
Post Moore’s Law Computing
Quantum Computing