

Martin Quinson
Martin Quinson is a Professor at Ecole Normale Superieure de Rennes. His research is on experimentation methodologies, both through the simulation of distributed applications and through the formal assessment of distributed algorithms. He obtained his M.S. and Ph.D. from the ENS Lyon respectively in 2000 and 2003, and his Habilitation Thesis in 2013 from the Universite de Lorraine, France. He is one of the project leaders for the SimGrid framework, a scientific instrument for the study of large-scale distributed systems.

Martin is also an author of resources for scientific outreach and a founding member of several french working groups toward unplugged teaching activities. He is also a part of the scientific council of the Blaise Pascal foundation, focusing on outreach in maths and informatics. He is the main author of a complete learning platform teaching programming to beginner and intermediate learners. He is also a trainer for the future teachers of engineering and IT in France.
Birds of a Feather
Education and Training