

Pablo Echevarria works as research engineer at Earth Science department at Barcelona Supercomputing Center with the climate prediction group given support to the scientist and development the auto-ecearth suite.
He have been working in Earth Science since 2010. He has a master degree in computer science. In his final master work the goal was to develop an experimental data assimilation system it now are in experimentation stage in NOAA WWIII development group.
He receive scholarships from:
Waves Summer School - UMD - NOAA, USA
School and Workshop on Advanced Techniques in Scientific Computing - ICTP - Brazil
School on Parallel Programming and Parallel Architecture for HPC and Developer School for HPC applications in Earth Sciences - ICTP - Italy
Marine Training Workshop on the Use of Satellite Wind and Wave Products in South American Waters - NASA | UCAR | EUMESAT | ECOS | NOAA - Brazil
Project Poster
HPC workflows
Scientific Software Development