

Lenny Oliker is a senior scientist in the performance and algorithms group (PAR) of the computer science department. His research interests focus on performance optimization, evaluation, and modeling on leading high-end computing systems. Lenny has published over 150 peer-reviewed publications, including five best paper awards, and is the deputy of the recently formed SciDAC4 RAPIDS institute for computer science and data. His recent activities include the exabiome project, which aims to develop the world’s fastest genome assembly and analysis algorithms and parallel implementations. He is also helping develop the Roofline methodology, which has widely adopted as an effective performance modeling tool within the HPC community. Lenny is also interested in optimization and evaluation of scientific computations, and has participated in studies in the areas of fusion, genomics, climate, cosmology, and materials science.
Research Paper
Parallel Applications
Performance Analysis and Optimization
Performance Tools