
Contributor Index

Lu is the Director of National Supercomputing Center in Guangzhou, China. She is also the professor in the School of Computer Science at Sun Yat-sen University, as well as at the National University of Defense Technology (NUDT). Her extensive research and development work has spanned several generations of domestic supercomputers in China, which includes her role as the deputy chief designer of the Tianhe supercomputers. She is also leading a number of HPC and big data projects under the support of the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and Guangdong Province. Her current research interest includes large-scale storage systems, high performance computing, and computer architecture.

Lu received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees of computer science from NUDT. She was bestowed a first class award and outstanding award for Chinese national science and technology progress in 2009 and 2014. Her continuing research interests include parallel operating systems, high-speed communication, large-scale file systems and data management, and advanced programming environments and applications.
Chair of Sessions
Hans Meuer Award Finalists
Research Paper
Hans Meuer Award Finalists
Research Paper