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Manuel Arenaz is CEO at Appentra Solutions and professor of computer science at the University of A Coruña (Spain). Holds a PhD on advanced compiler techniques for automatic parallelization of scientific codes. After 10+ years teaching parallel programming at undergraduate and PhD levels, he strongly believes that the next generation of STEM engineers needs to be educated in HPC technologies to address the digital revolution challenge. Recently, he co-founded Appentra Solutions to commercialize products and services that take advantage of Parallware, a new technology for semantic analysis of scientific HPC codes. Parallware Trainer by Appentra is a step forward to enable experiential self-learning of parallel programming, one of the biggest technical challenges today. For this purpose, he led the foundation of the startup, conducted the technology transfer agreement and attended training courses for entrepreneur scientists. Now launching Parallelware Trainer to the HPC market.
Big Data Analytics
Extreme-Scale Computing
HPC Accelerators
Performance Analysis and Optimization
Programming Models & Languages
Parallel Applications
Programming Models & Languages
Scientific Software Development
Project Poster
Exascale Systems
HPC workflows
System Software & Runtime Systems