
Contributor Index

Dr. Kunkel is a Lecturer at the CS department of the Unversity of Reading.
Previously, he was a postdoc in the research department of the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ) that partners with the Scientific Computing group at the Universität Hamburg.
There, he managed several research projects revolving around HPC and particularly HPC storage.
Julian gained interest in the topic of HPC storage in 2003, during his studies of computer science.

Besides his main goal to provide efficient and performance-portable I/O, his HPC-related interests are: data reduction techniques, performance analysis of parallel applications and parallel I/O, management of cluster systems, cost-efficiency considerations, and software engineering of scientific software.
Project Poster
HPC Centre Planning and Operations
Heterogeneous Systems
Performance Analysis and Optimization
Storage Technologies
File Systems
Performance Analysis and Optimization
Performance Tools
Storage Technologies
Birds of a Feather
Education and Training
AI/Machine Learning/Deep Learning
Big Data Analytics
Education and Training
Parallel Algorithms
Parallel Applications
PhD Forum
AI/Machine Learning/Deep Learning
Scientific Software Development
Project Poster
HPC Accelerators
Parallel Applications
Programming Models & Languages
Scientific Software Development
Birds of a Feather
HPC Centre Planning and Operations
HPC workflows
Programming Models & Languages
Storage Technologies
System Software & Runtime Systems
Project Poster
Education and Training
Birds of a Feather
File Systems
Performance Analysis and Optimization
Storage Technologies
Project Poster
Education and Training
HPC workflows
Parallel Applications
Performance Analysis and Optimization
Scientific Software Development