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Anja works at the Center for Scientific Computing and is a member of Hessian Competence Center for High Performance Computing located at Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main. A considerable part of her job role is to develop a range of courses and resources to enable users to work with the cluster. In addition, she is doing a PhD at the German Climate Research Center in Hamburg as an external member. The main topic is Compiler Optimization in High-Performance Computing with an aim to improve weather forecasting and climate modeling. The goal of her PhD is to study the compiler for deficits in terms of performance when translating HPC applications and to understand the limitations of compilers in making the necessary optimizations. These insights can then be incorporated into the compiler for future automatic compiler optimization. Automatic program transformation using source-to-source instrumentation of parallel programs will prepare HPC applications for future performance analysis.
Birds of a Feather
Education and Training
Birds of a Feather
Performance Analysis and Optimization
Performance Tools
Programming Models & Languages
Scientific Software Development
AI/Machine Learning/Deep Learning
Big Data Analytics
Education and Training
Parallel Algorithms
Parallel Applications
Project Poster
Education and Training
Performance Analysis and Optimization
Programming Models & Languages
Scientific Software Development
System Software & Runtime Systems