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Ron Hawkins is the director of industry relations at the University of California’s San Diego Supercomputer Center, where he is responsible for developing industry partnerships and research collaborations in high performance computing and big data. Mr. Hawkins is a technology industry veteran, having held VP-level management, engineering, and product development positions at companies such as Sony and SAIC. Mr. Hawkins’ technology background and interests include high performance and cloud computing, data-intensive systems, big data analytics, microelectronics, and embedded and real-time systems. Mr. Hawkins is a consultant or advisor to early stage technology companies and is active on several HPC and big data committees. He received the Master of Information Systems degree from Virginia Tech and the BSEE degree from the U.S. Naval Academy
Birds of a Feather
AI/Machine Learning/Deep Learning
Big Data Analytics
Exascale Systems
File Systems
Storage Technologies
Birds of a Feather
Exascale Systems
Performance Analysis and Optimization