

Birds of a Feather
Multi-Level Memory and Storage for HPC, Data Analytics & AI
Event Type
Birds of a Feather
Big Data Analytics
Exascale Systems
Performance Analysis and Optimization
Storage Technologies
System Software & Runtime Systems
TimeTuesday, June 18th1:45pm - 2:45pm
DescriptionRecent progress in storage-class memory (SCM) technologies combined with emerging workloads mixing HPC simulations with big data processing or AI does create a perfect opportunity for innovative HPC systems embracing SCM. These will substantially improve delivered performance, scalability and energy efficiency for data-oriented HPC codes as well as “mixed” applications, and can play a large role in removing the “I/O wall” when moving to Exascale class systems.

At the same time, significant progress has been made on memory and storage devices with increasing capacities and performance, many of them non-volatile by nature, and systems with multiple memory and/or storage levels are becoming state-of-the-art. This presents a perfect opportunity for addressing the traditional Exascale “I/O gap” and at the same time provide the emerging breed of combined HPC and AI applications with a solid and highly performing memory/storage platform.

This BoF continues the series of successful similar sessions at ISC; it will bring together technology providers, application and system SW developers, and system operators to discuss use cases and requirements for next-generation multi-level storage/memory systems, present proof of concept prototype results, and examine the system SW and tools development.