

Research Poster
(RP15) Easy-to-use and Secure Web Command Line Interface for Heterogeneous Resources on Artificial Intelligence Platform
Event Type
Research Poster
Clouds and Distributed Computing
Education and Training
System Software & Runtime Systems
TimeTuesday, June 18th8:30am - 10am
LocationSubstanz 1, 2
DescriptionCommand Line Interface (CLI) is still an important way to interact with computing resources today, but it is not easy for users to configure and access remote computing resources regarding network security and polices. Further, it is much difficult for users to learn many commands and adopt them to manage applications, tasks and data on different computing resources.
We proposed event-based web services to smooth the sharp learning curve of CLI and will finally provide easy-to-use web CLI (WebCLI) services for users on our AI platform []. In WebCLI, command recommendation service is designed to help user write and complete a complicated command according to personal history commands, user’s behaviors, the global data and different preference configurations. Command combination service is designed to accept characters from a terminal running in browser and generate an entire command to shield syntax differences caused by various job management systems in heterogeneous resources. Security and risk service is designed to check whether each command gets permission to execute based on multi-levels white lists and black lists. It also present warnings to users if any command especially on delete will cause unrecoverable outcomes.
Based on Eclipse Vert.x, a prototype was implemented to verify usability and availability. In a browser, a user can login CLI to access heterogeneous resources, query history commands in detail, and track each actions of a workflow. In future, we will continue to extend the prototype system to a productive system on the AI platform.
Poster PDF