Reinventing HPC

Tutorial Submission

PLEASE NOTE: The Call for Tutorial is closed.

The ISC tutorials are interactive courses that focus on ISC key topics. Renowned experts in high performance computing, machine learning, data analytics, and quantum computing will give attendees a comprehensive introduction to the subject and provide a closer look at specific problems. Tutorials are encouraged to include a “hands-on” component to allow attendees to practice prepared materials.

Information for speakers: Please look at our Speaker Manual, which provides guidance and information in preparing and delivering your upcoming presentation at ISC 2023.

Important dates

 Submission Deadline
 Notification of Acceptance February 23 March 3, 2023
 Working Materials for Tutorial Attendees due
May 11, 2023 11:59pm AoE

May 21, 2023
Half-day: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Full-day: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

 Final Presentation Slides in PDF due
May 25, 2023

Chair - Suren Byna

 Tutorial Chair Suren Byna, The Ohio State University, USA
 Tutorial Deputy Chair Shadi Ibrahim, Inria, France

All tutorial attendees require a
tutorial pass. For accepted tutorials, ISC will provide a limited number of complimentary tutorial participation passes to tutorial presenters.


ISC 2023 Call for Tutorial

Submitted tutorial proposals will be reviewed by the ISC 2023 Tutorial Committee, which is headed by Suren Byna, The Ohio State University, USA, as chair.



  • Tutorial submissions are encouraged on the following topics:
    • Any area of interest listed in the Call for Research Paper.
    • Additional topics that expand broader community engagement.
    • Innovative and emerging HPC technologies, e.g., cloud technologies for HPC, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.
    • Introductory tutorials for attendees new to HPC
  • We encourage tutorials that serve a broad audience over tutorials that focus solely on the research in a limited domain or a particular group.
  • Practical tutorials are preferred to completely theoretical ones and we encourage organizers to incorporate hands-on sessions where appropriate.



Submission Guidelines

Besides the information within the online submission form, the following information needs to be uploaded within a single PDF file and with the following sections:

  • General Information
    • Title of the tutorial
    • Tutorial author(s) information
  • Abstract (Maximum words: 200)
  • Detailed description of the tutorial content (Maximum pages: 3)
    • Overview and goals of the tutorial (takeaways for the audience)
    • Targeted audience
    • Detailed outline of the tutorial (with time slots)
    • Description of hands-on activities, if applicable
    • Updates from previous presentations, if applicable
    • Number of attendees from previous tutorials, if applicable
    • URLs to sample slides and other material
  • Logistics
    • Length of the tutorial: half-day (3.5 hours) or full-day (7 hours)
    • Percentage of content split as beginner, intermediate, and advanced
    • Requirements for attendees (e.g., laptop, remote server account)
    • Estimated number of attendees (with short explanation, if applicable)
  • Resume or CV of each presenter, including a list of recently taught courses or tutorials (2 pages maximum per presenter)
  • Travel funding request, if applicable (see TRAVEL SUPPORT section below)


  • Each tutorial will be reviewed by a minimum of 3 reviewers.
  • Criteria for review include originality, significance, timeliness, impact, community interest, attendance in prior years (if applicable), quality, hands-on activity, and clarity of the proposal.

Final Decision (February 23 March 3, 2023)

  • Selection of tutorials (with the objective of covering the largest variety of topics)
  • Allocation of the time slot
  • Notification of authors
  • Tutorial committee reserves a right to assign a shepherd to some accepted submissions in order to ensure quality standards.



  • ISC 2023 is planned as an in-person conference from May 21 to May 25, 2023, in Hamburg, Germany. By submitting a tutorial proposal, you agree to organize and conduct the tutorial at the event in Hamburg, Germany.
  • Tutorial presenters need to be registered as ISC 2023 participants. The ISC organizers will grant a 100% discount on the tutorial pass to a limited number of tutorial presenters. The number of presenters with complimentary passes is limited to seven for full-day tutorials and four for half-day tutorials.
  • Tutorial organizers are responsible for submitting the relevant material to be given to attendees (working materials). This material includes, but is not limited to slide sets, additional teaching material, and software installation plus usage guides for hands-on sessions. The tutorial organizers agree to release this material to the tutorial attendees.
  • The ISC organizers will provide meeting room facilities and basic technical equipment for the tutorials, including wireless internet access. Tutorial presenters will have to bring their own presentation laptops and adapters. Hands-on tutorials must be prepared to rely on laptops brought by the participants.

In general, ISC does not cover travel, accommodation, registration fees and other such costs. But tutorial presenters from academia may receive travel support as follows:

 Max. Travel Funding per Person
Germany Europe Others
 Full-Day Tutorial
175 Euro 300 Euro 500 Euro
 Half-Day Tutorial
150 Euro 250 Euro 400 Euro


Travel support will be granted to a maximum of two presenters from academia for half-day tutorials and four presenters from academia for full-day tutorials. Presenters holding two half-day tutorials are treated like presenters of full-day tutorials.
All requests for travel funding need to be included in the tutorial proposal.


ISC will make the working materials available in the event platform for registered attendees only.

  • Shadi Ibrahim, Inria, France (Chair)
  • Diana Moise, Cray, HPE, Switzerland (Deputy Chair)
  • Olivier Beaumont, Inria, France
  • Jalil BOUKHOBZA, ENSTA Bretagne, Lab-STICC CNRS UMR 6285, France
  • Jim Brandt, Sandia National Laboratories, United States of America
  • Suren Byna, The Ohio State University, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, United States of America
  • Philip Carns, Argonne National Laboratory, United States of America
  • Ewa Deelman, USC Information Sciences Institute, United States of America
  • LUCIA DRUMMOND, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil
  • Aniello Esposito, HPE, Switzerland
  • Ana Gainaru, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, United States of America
  • Bilel Hadri, KAUST Supercomputing Laboratory, Saudi Arabia
  • Shadi Ibrahim, Inria, France
  • Heike Jagode, University of Tennessee Knoxville, United States of America
  • Michael Kuhn, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
  • Jay Lofstead, Sandia National Laboratories, United States of America
  • Diana Moise, Cray, HPE, Switzerland
  • Sarah Neuwirth, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC), Germany
  • Gabriel Noaje, NVIDIA, Singapore
  • George Pallis, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
  • Antonio J. Peña, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Spain
  • Anna Queralt, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
  • Ana-Lucia Varbanescu, University of Twente, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Amelie Chi Zhou, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

Contact the Tutorial Committee, if you have any questions.