Reinventing HPC

Project Poster Submission

PLEASE NOTE: The Call for Project Poster is closed

The project poster session is an excellent opportunity to present information about your projects and research ideas at ISC High Performance 2023. ISC has established itself as the HPC event in Europe to disseminate ongoing and future research work, as well as foster discussion within the community, and engage in international cooperation.

We introduced the project poster session to give scientists a platform for information exchange. For attendees the project poster are an opportunity to gain an overview of new developments, HPC research and engineering activities. In contrast to the dissemination of research results in the research poster session, project poster enable participants to present ongoing and emerging projects by presenting fundamental ideas, methodology and preliminary work. Researchers with upcoming and recently funded projects are encouraged to submit a poster of their work. Those with novel project ideas are invited to present as well.

Information for speakers: Please look at our Speaker Manual, which provides guidance and information in preparing and delivering your upcoming presentation at ISC 2023.

Important dates

 Submission Deadline closed
 Notification of Acceptance
March 10, 2023
March 2, 2023
 Final Poster due
May 1, 2023
 Poster Reception May 23, 2023, 3:30 - 5:30pm
 Project Poster on Display May 22 – 24, 2023


Chair - Are Magnus Bruaset

  Project Poster Chair      Are Magnus Bruaset, Simula, Norway
  Project Poster Deputy Chair       Antonino Tumeo, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA

Project poster presenters will require at least an exhibition pass.

ISC 2023 registration fees will be published in early 2023.



PLEASE NOTE: The Call for Project Poster is closed

Submitted project poster proposals will be reviewed by the ISC 2023 Project Poster Committee, which is headed by Are Magnus Bruaset, Simula, Norway, as Chair.



Project poster are intended to cover all areas of interest as listed in the Call for Research Paper.


Submission & Review Process

Submission Guidelines

Required Information

  • Poster title
  • Poster author information
  • Short poster abstract (250 words maximum)
  • Topic area:
    • Architectures, Networks & Storage
    • HPC Algorithms & Applications
    • Programming Environments & Systems Software
    • Machine Learning AI & Quantum Computing
    • Performance Modeling, Evaluation & Analysis
  • Draft of the poster as PDF file. The poster content does not need to be in its final form. After acceptance you may change or update things, but your proposal must be a draft of the final version.
    • 1 page maximum
    • Posters must be submitted in high-resolution to ensure readability (resolution: 2384 px × 3370 px at 72 dpi)
    • maximum file size: 10 MB
  • Runtime of the project
  • Participating partners
  • Funding source
  • As a guideline for the content, the following information is required :
    • List of partners
    • Pursued approach and methodology
    • Current status of the project
    • Excerpt of intermediate/Preliminary results
    • Roadmap, in particular the next steps


  • Light-weight review to give many people the chance to present ideas and projects
  • Criteria: required information filled, quality of the presentation and relevance for attendees (see guidelines above)
  • Committee feedback to improve submissions
  • Supported by shepherding to ensure high-quality posters

Final Decision (March 2 10, 2023)

  • Selection of Project Poster
  • Notification of authors


Terms & Conditions

  • ISC 2023 is planned as an in-person conference from May 21 to May 25, 2023 in Hamburg, Germany. By submitting a project poster, the submitter agrees that one of the authors will present it at ISC 2023 in Hamburg, Germany. In case circumstances that the submitter/speaker cannot control prevent them from attending the event, the submitter/speaker should contact ISC organizers and the project poster chair as soon as possible to discuss different options.
  • The project poster will be on display from Monday, May 22 through Wednesday, May 24, 2023.
  • The ISC poster reception will give special attention to the project poster and allows a maximum of interaction between poster authors and participants. Poster authors are obliged to be present at their poster during the entire reception.
  • Poster presenters need to be registered ISC 2023 participants. Registrations fees will be published in 2023.
  • Travel, accommodation, registration fees for other authors, and other such expenses will not be covered by the ISC organizers.

PDFs of the posters will be available within the event platform for registered attendees only.

  • Antonino Tumeo, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, United States of America (Chair)
  • José Moreira, IBM, United States of America (Deputy Chair)
  • Marco Aldinucci, University of Torino, Italy
  • Andrea Bartolini, University of Bologna, Italy
  • Sanjukta Bhowmick, University of North Texas, United States of America
  • Are Magnus Bruaset, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
  • Anastasiia Butko, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, United States of America
  • Vito Giovanni Castellana, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, United States of America
  • Theodoros Christoudias, The Cyprus Institute, Cyprus
  • Guojing Cong, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, United States of America
  • Javier Garcia-Blas, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain
  • Francesc Lordan Gomis, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
  • Maciej Malawski, AGH University of Krakow, Sano Centre for Computational Medicine, Poland
  • Stefano Markidis, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Sweden
  • Miquel Moreto, UPC, BSC, Spain
  • Kengo Nakajima, University of Tokyo, Supercomputing Research Division, Information Technology Center; RIKEN R-CCS (Center for Computational Science), Japan
  • Bogdan Nicolae, Argonne National Laboratory, United States of America
  • Sara Royuela, BSC, Spain
  • Carsten Trinitis, Technical University of Munich, Germany
  • Josef Weidendorfer, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Germany

Contact the Project Poster Committee, if you have any questions.