Reinventing HPC

In the following, we provide descriptions of benefits offered to exhibitors and sponsors of ISC 2024. Each description is individually linked to the respective benefit in the ISC 2024 Sponsorship Overview. Click on a benefit in the Sponsorship Overview to jump directly to the corresponding description.


Opportunity to book a booth space in a preferred area

Especially attractive booth spaces have been reserved for our sponsors. You can find them on the floorplan by referring to the legend in the upper left-hand corner (bronze, silver, gold and platinum colored booths).

Opportunity to hang a banner from the ceiling

Hang a banner over your booth. The top edge of the banner may be no higher than 6m above the ground.

Standard power outlet

A standard power socket (1-3kW, 16 Amps, 230 Volts, 50 Hertz) incl. electricity usage will be provided at your booth.

Dedicated wired internet connection

You will be provided with a dedicated, wired internet connection (guaranteed 50mBit/s bandwidth) at your booth. You may expand the network to max. 16 clients/IPs with your own switch.

Lead retrieval (online and onsite)

The Swapcard app allows you to scan badges and business cards onsite, make connections online, as well as to qualify and download your leads. The app can be installed on any Android or iOS device. Rental devices are available (not included). For more information about the data provided and GDPR-related questions refer to our lead retrieval FAQ.

Exclusive use of a meeting room during exhibition days

Meeting rooms are located outside the exhibition hall on the 1st floor and 2nd floor of the venue.

Vendor Roadmap

(20min onsite & on-demand speaking slot on company roadmap incl. audience contact info (opt-in))

Platinum Sponsors have the opportunity to satisfy attendee curiosity with their long-term goals as well as with what is currently in the pipeline by offering a glimpse of their product development in a 20min presentation. The Vendor Roadmaps will take place on Wednesday, May 15* in one of the main conference halls. The schedule will be published in March. The session will be recorded and made available on-demand to online audiences later on. The contact information of attendees who bookmarked and/or attended/watched your presentation will be provided (opt-in, in accordance with the GDPR).

Vendor Showdown

(10min onsite & on-demand speaking slot incl. moderated Q&A)

In the Vendor Showdown, each speaker has 5 minutes to present their organization's newest strategy, product or research developments with up to 3 slides. A panel of expert moderators then asks each speaker 4 follow-up questions, 2 of which will be shared with the speaker in advance of the presentation and 2 of which will be surprise questions. The speakers then have 5 minutes to offer their responses. At the end, the audience votes on their favorite presentation and the winner is honored on stage. The Vendor Showdown takes place in one of the main conference halls on Monday, May 13, 1-3pm.* The session will be recorded and made available on-demand to online audiences later on.

HPC Solutions Forum

(20min onsite OR pre-recorded speaking slot on pre-defined topics sourced from the community incl. audience contact info (opt-in))

For this 20-minute talk in the HPC Solutions Forum, sponsors are asked to select 1-3 topics from a list previously sourced from the HPC community. The speakers will present their take on how these topics relate to their organization’s technological and business strategies. Sponsors can choose to present onsite in a theater inside the exhibition hall OR online as an on-demand, pre-recorded video (produced by the presenting organization). The HPC Solutions Forum presentations will take place/will be released Mon-Wed, May 13-15*. The schedule will be published in March. The contact information of attendees who bookmarked and/or attended/watched your presentation will be provided (opt-in, in accordance with the GDPR).

Virtual Product Demo

(15min online pre-recorded product demo incl. audience contact info (opt-in))

Showcase (a) product(s) in a 15min virtual product demonstration (pre-recorded video to be produced by the presenting organization). This is a great opportunity to present your latest technology or solution(s) and to generate valuable leads! This session is intended to let attendees explore what's new in HPC, learn about the latest innovations and also discover new suppliers in the industry. The contact information of attendees who bookmarked and/or watched your demo will be provided (opt-in, in accordance with the GDPR). The virtual product demonstrations will be released on Monday, May 13, 2024.*

*subject to change. The ISC 2024 conference schedule will be published in March 2024.

An opportunity to join the first-time exhibitor pitch session (1 min slot onsite)

First-time exhibitors will have the opportunity to present themselves in a one-minute introduction.

The one-minute introduction is intended to provide a brief overview, i.e., of the company's mission, values, and focus, as well as to provide insight into recent initiatives, projects, or offerings.

It's your choice how you fill this one minute, either focusing mainly on your company or a particular solution.

This unique experience is designed to ignite curiosity and attract attention to the exhibitors joining ISC for the first time with a booth. A limited number of first-time exhibitors and sponsors with a booth (Standard, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum) will be offered a speaking slot at this session on a first-come first-serve basis. The session will take place on Monday, May 13th 2024.

Your logo prominently displayed above the main entrance of the convention center

Your logo will be displayed alongside other Platinum sponsor logos and a welcome message to ISC 2024 attendees, running as a ticker display above the main entrance of the convention center.

Your logo prominently displayed in the main conference hall

Your logo will be displayed alongside other Platinum sponsor logos on stage in the main conference hall.

Advertisement on digital screens in the convention center

Receive the opportunity to display your advertisement image on digital screens at the event venue. The HD screens are prominently located in the entrance foyer and throughout the convention center.

Sponsor acknowledgement in the conference opening session

Your logo will be shown on the presentation screen in the conference opening session and the opening speaker will acknowledge your contribution to ISC 2024.

Opportunity to conduct promotional activities inside and/or outside the exhibition hall

Receive the opportunity to hand out promotional items, conduct a survey, walk around dressed in a costume or to conduct other marketing activities by your staff or contractors anywhere beyond the perimeter of your booth inside and/or outside the exhibition hall.

Physical displays at the venue/graphic advertisement

We offer onsite graphics advertisement options (hanging banners, column wraps etc.) located in prominent areas to spotlight your presence at the show. You can find all information about it here.

Host a fridge with cold beverages at your booth during the opening reception

(300€ per fridge incl. beverages)

Attract attendees to your booth during the opening reception by hosting a fridge with bottled soft drinks and beer at your booth. Attendees will serve themselves from the fridge - this is your chance to grab their attention! The fridge incl. beverages will be provided by ISC Events. For further details, click here.

Opportunity to sponsor lanyards

(limited to 3 sponsors)

Lanyards will be offered to attendees upon check-in at the convention center. They will be prominently displayed in the check-in area in the foyer.

Charging stations sponsorship

(limited to 2 sponsors)

Put your brand on charging tables for mobile electronic devices and provide a service that will be appreciated and constantly in use. This is a highly visible branding and unique attendee engagement opportunity. One sponsorship set includes: 10 x tables with your branding message placed in a prominent high traffic area outside the exhibition hall. Several mobile devices can be charged at each table at the same time. Limited to 2 sponsors only (10 x tables each); it is possible to sponsor all 20 tables.

For additional information, click here.

Exclusive reusable water bottles sponsorship SOLD

(excl. production and delivery)

Increase your brand exposure by supporting our sustainability efforts and supplying attendees with a practical item that they will keep beyond the event. 4000 reusable bottles made of glass or stainless steel with your branding, which can be refilled at water dispensers throughout the venue, will be distributed at the check-in.

Exclusive ice cream sponsorship

Become the exclusive ice cream sponsor at ISC:  two ice cream stands strategically placed, your logo on the cups and the chance to name all delightful flavors (you can be as creative as you want with the names!).Boost brand visibility and delight attendees!  Don't miss out - last year's ice cream stands were a massive hit!

Your logo & status in the online exhibitor listing

Your logo, your organization name and sponsor or exhibitor status will be displayed on the ISC 2024 website. A preview of your organization's interactive page in Swapcard will be displayed upon clicking on your organization's entry in the listing.

Your logo on the interactive online floor plan

Your logo will be prominently displayed on the interactive online floorplan.

Your logo on the ISC homepage header

Your logo will be integrated into the website header graphic of the official ISC website.

Your logo in the monthly ISC newsletter

Your logo will be prominently displayed in the monthly ISC newsletter (starting with the February issue), which goes out to more than 10.000 subscribers.

Your logo in the onboarding emails to registered attendees

All registered attendees (in-person and online) will receive an onboarding email inviting them to activate their Swapcard account. Your logo will be prominently displayed in this email.

Opportunity to publish your blog posts on the ISC online event platform (up to 3 in total)

The opportunity to publish a maximum of 3 blog posts in the "Tech News" section of the ISC 2024 event platform Swapcard. We expect well-written posts of max. 5000 characters incl. spaces related to state-of-the-art HPC projects, popular topics, research, analysis, systems, products and services. The posts must be unique and should not have been previously posted anywhere on the internet.

Press Contact List

The list contains full contact information of all registered press representatives (includes email address, name, job title, company name, country, online/onsite participation). The press contact list will become available approx. at the end of April via a download link, which will be shared by email. For further information click here.

Attendee contact list (opt-in)

The list contains full contact information of all registered attendees who agreed to share their data in compliance with the GDPR (includes email address, name, job title, company name, country, online/onsite participation). The attendee contact list will become available approx. at the end of April via a download link, which will be shared by email. For further information click here.

Exclusive sponsored content in the ISC newsletter pre-exhibition issue

The opportunity to publish your text (max. 500 characters incl. spaces), headline, image and a URL that your image will link to (all mandatory) in the May issue of the ISC monthly newsletter with more than 10.000 subscribers, which will be dedicated to the exhibition/vendor program specifically.

Your content in the ISC monthly newsletter (per issue)

The opportunity to publish your text (max. 500 characters incl. spaces), headline, image and a URL that your image will link to (all mandatory) in the ISC monthly newsletter with more than 10.000 subscribers (March, April, May or June issue). Limited to 2 sponsors/issue.

A dedicated, interactive page on the virtual event platform Swapcard

You will have the opportunity to present your organization to visitors of the on-site and online exhibition by uploading your logo, entering a description of your organization and by providing an unlimited number of links to external pages and documents for downloads at a dedicated, interactive exhibitor page ("virtual booth").

Display a header image or a header video of your choice at your interactive page

Style your organization's interactive page with a header image or header video (must be hosted on YouTube, Vimeo or any other platform). The video auto-plays without sound when your page is opened (sound can be activated by the user). Click here to view an example.

Online communication tools and AI matchmaking

(receive personalized suggestions for attendees to connect with based on their interests)

Your team will be able to reach out to attendees and to receive chat messages directed to your organization. The Swapcard AI will suggest attendees to connect with based on their interests.

Real time performance analytics of your interactive page

See real-time analytics of the performance of your interactive page in the Exhibitor Center. The data provided includes:

  • Number of views of (i.e. visits to) your page
  • Number of people who bookmarked your page
  • Number of contacts made by your team members
  • Number of contacts with scoring (i.e. contacts rated by your team members)
  • Average of scorings made by your team members (i.e. average quality of your contacts as rated by your team members)

Your logo on the virtual event platform homepage

Your logo is displayed on the homepage of the ISC 2024 event in Swapcard and linked to your dedicated, interactive page.

Your advertisement banner on the virtual event platform homepage

Display an ad image on the ISC 2024 event platform homepage (Swapcard). The ad will rotate with the ads of the other Platinum sponsors and information/announcements by the event organizers. Each time an attendee logs in to the event platform or reloads their browser tab, a different ad or announcement will be displayed. Your ad will be linked to your dedicated, interactive page. The contact information of attendees who viewed and/ or clicked your ad will be provided (opt-in, in accordance with the GDPR).

Display an advertisement banner at your interactive page

Receive the opportunity to display an ad image on the left hand side of your interactive page in the event platform Swapcard. The contact information of attendees who clicked on your ad will be provided (opt-in, in accordance with the GDPR).

Opportunity to feature your virtual or physical giveaway

(giveaways to be produced and shipped by exhibitors)

Promote your giveaway(s) and related contests, raffles, quizzes etc. to ISC attendees in the "Giveaways" section of the ISC 2024 event platform Swapcard. Upload one or more images, a title, a description, rules how to claim the giveaway, a date until which the giveaway can be claimed and a URL to an external website (optional). The contact information of attendees who bookmarked and/or viewed your giveaway(s) will be provided (opt-in, in accordance with the GDPR).

Exhibitor Events: advertise your events to ISC attendees

Advertise your booth events or any other activities you organize during ISC and open to all ISC attendees, in the "Exhibitor Events" section of the ISC 2024 platform. Provide detailed information about your event.  The contact information of attendees who bookmarked and/or viewed your items will be provided (opt-in, in accordance with the GDPR).

Online HPC marketplace: showcase products, services, projects

Showcase products, services or projects in the "HPC Marketplace" section of the ISC 2024 event platform Swapcard. Provide one or more images, a title, a description and a URL of an external website or of an externally hosted document (optional). The contact information of attendees who bookmarked and/or viewed your items will be provided (opt-in, in accordance with the GDPR).

Online HPC career center: showcase jobs, educational programs, or internships

Sold in packages of 2 postings at 300€/package

Scout fresh talent by advertising your open positions (jobs, internships or educational opportunities) in the "HPC Career Center" section of the ISC 2024 event platform Swapcard. Provide one or more images, a title, a description and a URL of an external website or of an externally hosted document (optional) as well as contact information of a relevant contact person (optional). Signage with a QR code linked to your online listings, which you can display at your booth for visitors to scan, will be provided. The contact information of attendees who bookmarked and/or viewed your posting(s) will be provided (opt-in, in accordance with the GDPR).

See who visited your interactive page in real time

In the Exhibitor Center, you can see a list of Swapcard users who visited your page (and when). The list updates in real time, so you can follow-up with the visitors of your page right away.

Receive contacts of attendees who engaged with your interactive page

Receive the contact information of attendees who bookmarked and/or viewed your interactive page and related content within the event platform Swapcard (opt-in, in accordance with the GDPR). For more information about the data provided and GDPR-related questions refer to our lead retrieval FAQ.

In the following, we provide descriptions of benefits offered to exhibitors and sponsors of ISC 2024.

Virtual Product Demo

(15min online pre-recorded product demo incl. audience contact info (opt-in))

Showcase (a) product(s) in a 15min virtual product demonstration (pre-recorded video to be produced by the presenting organization). This is a great opportunity to present your latest technology or solution(s) and to generate valuable leads! This session is intended to let attendees explore what's new in HPC, learn about the latest innovations and also discover new suppliers in the industry. The contact information of attendees who bookmarked and/or watched your demo will be provided (opt-in, in accordance with the GDPR). The virtual product demonstrations will be released on Monday, May 13, 2024.*

Opportunity to conduct promotional activities inside and/or outside the exhibition hall

Receive the opportunity to hand out promotional items, conduct a survey, walk around dressed in a costume or to conduct other marketing activities by your staff or contractors anywhere beyond the perimeter of your booth inside and/or outside the exhibition hall.

Physical displays at the venue/graphic advertisement

We offer onsite graphics advertisement options (hanging banners, column wraps etc.) located in prominent areas to spotlight your presence at the show. You can find all information about it here.

You will find the artwork file and submission instructions in the Exhibitor Manual (which will be published at the end of February).

Host a fridge with cold beverages at your booth during the opening reception

(300€ per fridge incl. beverages)

Attract attendees to your booth during the opening reception by hosting a fridge with bottled soft drinks and beer at your booth. Attendees will serve themselves from the fridge - this is your chance to grab their attention! The fridge incl. beverages will be provided by ISC Events. For further details, click here.

Opportunity to sponsor lanyards

(limited to 3 sponsors)

Lanyards will be offered to attendees upon check-in at the convention center. They will be prominently displayed in the check-in area in the foyer.

Charging stations sponsorship

(limited to 2 sponsors)

Put your brand on charging tables for mobile electronic devices and provide a service that will be appreciated and constantly in use. This is a highly visible branding and unique attendee engagement opportunity. One sponsorship set includes: 10 x tables with your branding message placed in a prominent high traffic area outside the exhibition hall. Several mobile devices can be charged at each table at the same time. Limited to 2 sponsors only (10 x tables each); it is possible to sponsor all 20 tables.

For additional information, click here.

Exclusive reusable water bottles sponsorship-SOLD

(excl. production and delivery)

Increase your brand exposure by supporting our sustainability efforts and supplying attendees with a practical item that they will keep beyond the event. 4000 reusable bottles made of glass or stainless steel with your branding, which can be refilled at water dispensers throughout the venue, will be distributed at the check-in.

Exclusive ice cream sponsorship

Become the exclusive ice cream sponsor at ISC:  two ice cream stands strategically placed, your logo on the cups and the chance to name all delightful flavors (you can be as creative as you want with the names!).Boost brand visibility and delight attendees!  Don't miss out - last year's ice cream stands were a massive hit!

Attendee contact list (opt-in)

The list contains full contact information of all registered attendees who agreed to share their data in compliance with the GDPR (includes email address, name, job title, company name, country, online/onsite participation). The attendee contact list will become available approx. at the end of April via a download link, which will be shared by email. For further information click here.

Your content in the ISC monthly newsletter (per issue)

The opportunity to publish your text (max. 500 characters incl. spaces), headline, image and a URL that your image will link to (all mandatory) in the ISC monthly newsletter with more than 10.000 subscribers (March, April, May or June issue). Limited to 2 sponsors/issue.

Display a header image or a header video of your choice at your interactive page

Style your organization's interactive page with a header image or header video (must be hosted on YouTube, Vimeo or any other platform). The video auto-plays without sound when your page is opened (sound can be activated by the user). Click here to view an example.

Opportunity to feature your virtual or physical giveaway

(giveaways to be produced and shipped by exhibitors)

Promote your giveaway(s) and related contests, raffles, quizzes etc. to ISC attendees in the "Giveaways" section of the ISC 2024 event platform Swapcard. Upload one or more images, a title, a description, rules how to claim the giveaway, a date until which the giveaway can be claimed and a URL to an external website (optional). The contact information of attendees who bookmarked and/or viewed your giveaway(s) will be provided (opt-in, in accordance with the GDPR).

Online HPC marketplace: showcase products, services, projects

Showcase products, services or projects in the "HPC Marketplace" section of the ISC 2024 event platform Swapcard. Provide one or more images, a title, a description and a URL of an external website or of an externally hosted document (optional). The contact information of attendees who bookmarked and/or viewed your items will be provided (opt-in, in accordance with the GDPR).

Online HPC career center: showcase jobs, educational programs, or internships

Sold in packages of 2 postings at 300€/package

Scout fresh talent by advertising your open positions (jobs, internships or educational opportunities) in the "HPC Career Center" section of the ISC 2024 event platform Swapcard. Provide one or more images, a title, a description and a URL of an external website or of an externally hosted document (optional) as well as contact information of a relevant contact person (optional). Signage with a QR code linked to your online listings, which you can display at your booth for visitors to scan, will be provided. The contact information of attendees who bookmarked and/or viewed your posting(s) will be provided (opt-in, in accordance with the GDPR).

Receive contacts of attendees who engaged with your interactive page

Receive the contact information of attendees who bookmarked and/or viewed your interactive page and related content within the event platform Swapcard (opt-in, in accordance with the GDPR). For more information about the data provided and GDPR-related questions refer to our lead retrieval FAQ.